What We Stand For

Our Mission

The mission of the International Coaching & Leadership Institute Rising (ICLI RISING) is to provide world-class coach training, executive coaching, and leadership development that is accessible to everyone, everywhere. We do this using transformative ontological coaching methods that are:

  • holistic and heart-centered;
  • rooted in a stand for international diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, and accessibility;
  • built on a foundation of high-quality coaching core competencies and ethical standards;
  • designed with a faith that self-leadership is a principal catalyst to creating universal change;
  • created with a belief that people are creative, resourceful, and want the best for their lives and the collective global community.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where everyone has access to the knowledge, awareness, and an abundance of resources that come from self-leadership and transformational coaching. We envision a global environment where everyone has the freedom and opportunities to use these experiences to design the lives they desire. We see a world of possibility where people use those experiences to then co-create a sustainable common good.

DEIB Statement

At ICLI RISING, we believe in the transformative power of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) as fundamental pillars that guide our operations, strategies, and impact. Our unwavering commitment to these principles is woven into the fabric of our mission to co-create freedom through innovative coach training and leadership development programs. We are dedicated to fostering an environment where every individual can thrive, recognizing the unique contributions that come from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

Accessibility and Disability Inclusion

Accessibility is at the core of our commitment to inclusion. ICLI RISING strives to create programs, services, and a workplace that are accessible to all, especially to people with disabilities. We are dedicated to continuously improving our practices to ensure that our platforms, content, and communities are fully inclusive, removing barriers that may prevent individuals from participating fully in our programs and benefiting from our services. Our goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of ability, can access our resources, contribute to our mission, and grow with us.

Empowering Underrepresented Voices

In alignment with our vision, ICLI RISING is particularly focused on increasing the number of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) certified and credentialed coaches on the planet. We recognize the critical need for diverse voices in the coaching and leadership development spaces and are committed to breaking down systemic barriers that have historically limited access for these communities. By investing in targeted scholarships, mentorship programs, and community partnerships, we aim to empower underrepresented individuals to achieve certification and make impactful contributions to their communities and the world at large.

Our Pledge

  • To Diversity: ICLI RISING pledges to cultivate a diverse community of coaches, staff, and leaders, embracing the full spectrum of human difference, including race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, and political beliefs.
  • To Equity: ICLI RISING pledges to promote fairness and justice within our policies, practices, and opportunities for advancement, ensuring that all members of our community have the support they need to succeed.
  • To Inclusion: ICLI RISING pledges to foster a culture where everyone feels valued, heard, and empowered to contribute to our mission, creating a sense of
    belonging for all.
  • To Belonging: ICLI RISING pledges to build a community where individuals can be their authentic selves, feel supported in their personal and professional growth, and work together towards a more inclusive future.

At ICLI RISING, we are committed to not just talking about DEIB, but actively living it through our actions, decisions, and initiatives. We invite our clients, partners, and the broader community to join us in this important work, creating a world where everyone, regardless of their background or abilities, has the opportunity to thrive and lead.

Our Values


Our culture is deeply rooted in love and compassion, fostering an environment where empathy and kindness are paramount. This foundational value shapes our approach to business, guiding our interactions with team members and clients alike. We strive to create a nurturing and supportive atmosphere, where each individual feels valued and cared for, fostering strong relationships built on mutual respect and understanding.


Dignity is central to our interactions and policies, ensuring every individual is treated with respect and honor. This value is about acknowledging the inherent worth of each person and conducting our business with fairness and ethical consideration. It guides our decision-making processes, ensuring that respect and ethical conduct are upheld in all our engagements, both internally and externally.

Co-Create Freedom

‘Co-Create Freedom’ embodies our commitment to empowering individuals through collaborative efforts in coaching and leadership development. This value is about creating opportunities for individuals and communities to flourish, emphasizing the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. It fosters a culture where diverse ideas and perspectives are not only welcomed but are seen as essential for innovation and positive change.

Work-Life Harmony

We emphasize work-life harmony, recognizing the importance of mental, physical, spiritual, and economic health. This value is about creating a balanced and enriching environment that supports both the personal and professional lives of our team members. We believe that a harmonious blend of work and personal life leads to greater productivity, creativity, and satisfaction, positively impacting both the individual and the broader community.


Encouraging self-leadership among our team, this value promotes responsibility, innovation, and continuous personal and professional growth. We empower our team members to take initiative, be proactive, and constantly seek ways to develop their skills and careers. This approach to self-leadership is about fostering an environment where individuals are equipped and motivated to lead themselves towards success and fulfillment.


This value is centered on taking responsibility for the programs and services we provide and their impact on our team, customers, and the wider community. We encourage our team members to take initiative and think critically about the broader connectedness and implications of their work. Embracing ownership means actively contributing to the collective well-being and success of the community, understanding that our actions have a far-reaching impact.


Innovation is at the heart of our drive to excel and grow. We encourage creative thinking and the exploration of new ideas, blending this pursuit with an element of fun to foster a dynamic and engaging work environment. This value is about embracing change, experimenting with new approaches, and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement. We believe that a culture of innovation, infused with fun, leads to more effective solutions and a vibrant workplace.


Our commitment to excellence is about delivering outstanding customer service, maintaining accountability, and upholding integrity in every aspect of our work. We constantly strive for high-quality outcomes that exceed the expectations of our customers and stakeholders. This value reflects our dedication to achieving results through a commitment to ethical standards and honesty, ensuring that our achievements are as commendable in their execution as they are in their outcomes.

Central to our ethos is a steadfast sense of optimism. We embrace a positive outlook, believing in the potential for growth and success in every challenge we encounter. This value is about seeing opportunities where others might see obstacles and maintaining a hopeful perspective even in the face of adversity. We encourage our team members to approach their work and interactions with a can-do attitude, fostering a culture where innovation, resilience, and a forward-thinking mindset are nurtured. Optimism in our organization isn’t just about having a positive attitude; it’s about inspiring confidence, driving constructive change, and building a future-oriented mindset that contributes to the well-being and success of our team, our customers, and our community.